Pointless questions...

Pantelis Giamarellos pantg at otenet.gr
Tue Jan 16 09:34:51 EST 2001

Dan and fellow non European based listers,

>VAT is a tax, I believe "Value added tax".
Yes that is true.
It is a form of taxation invented by a French guy and obligatory on all
countries participating in the European Union.
In fact all countries send a percentage of the VAT they receive from their
citizens to the European Union head office so that the white
collars/bureaucrats can receive their huge monthly fees and have a life of
luxury out of our misery.
The rate of VAT ranges from country to country and according to whether
something is considered a necessity or a luxury but the most common rate is
about 17 to 18 %. Items considered a necessity are either tax exempted or
tax on a much lower rate.

The VAT system was supposed to make life easier on the tax payer and on the
tax collecting authorities but as everything that is applied by bureaucrats
it has developed into a nightmare for everybody.

>MoT is the governing body of motor regulations, sort of like DMV here
>in the US.

MoT is the acronym for
Ministry of Transport.
I think this is self expanatory.

>The various "Regs" are license plates - one letter for each calendar
>year.  Unlike in the US, a car gets one license plate, which goes with
>it when it is sold.  So, you could tell by looking at the plate what
>model year a car belongs to, roughly.

right on that too, as far as I know.

>All the above are my interpretations based on reading Car magazine.
>I'm sure Phil or someone will jump in and correct me if I'm too far off.

Phil please feel free to correct anything wrong.

Take care

>| Dan |
>Stephen Ankney wrote:
>> These questions are for our English listers. Being an avid reader of Audi
>> Driver for sometime I keep wondering what these terms mean:
>> VAT
>> MoT
>> D reg, L reg, Y reg etc...
>> I'm assuming these are different types of registrations and taxes? Thanks
>> anyone who would like to clear this up for me...
>> Steve Ankney
>> 88 5000
>> Holland, MI
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