Two stage conversion for B4 front end.

Robert Stirrat Robert_Stirrat at
Tue Jan 16 06:41:47 EST 2001

Hi listers, I'm planning at first fit foglights and clear side markers on my
'92 80 B4 to the front of my car as shown on Martin's Audi 80 V6 Quattro
page, heres the link:  

Then, once this has been completed and I have saved more cash, I'd like to
change the front bumper to that of the 80 Competion as featured on  the
Nordic Audi site.  Here's a photo.

This is the certainly desired bumper fitted to a B4 (it looks too big
with with rather small looking wheels I might add).  

Finally my questions, will the fogs and side markers shown on the above V6
fit this bumper? 
Can anyone identify this bumper ?  Is it a genuine Audi body part or is it
made by a tuning company?  Either way, if anyone can tell me a partnumber
and supplier I would be most grateful.  I seem to think I've seen this
fitted to a '93 Coupe (Am I right?).   

Thanks again. 
                    Robert Stirrat. 


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