Piccies as promised

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Thu Jan 18 15:41:22 EST 2001

(Well, the first one was ...)


Obviously from the name, this is the legendary 1348/1A.  The plastic
part to the left fits over the metering head cone - it has different
surfaces for different radii of cone.  The knurled knob to the right
is actually set to the zero mark for fitting - I wound it down a bit
so you can see the graduations.  It's lifted into place set at zero,
and the knob at the far right is used to bring the magnetic holder
on the far left into contact with the bolt in the centre of the flap.
As I said before, you have to be very careful to get the rest position
equal to zero on the graduations.

Once it's in place, you can set the plate height using the knurled
knob - it's a hands-off device, so you can then get on with all sorts
of measurements such as injector variance.


These things fit into the 'Real Neat' [tm] category.  I've been using
'Gear Wrench' ratchet spanners for over a year - they're imported into
the UK by KD from Taiwan.  They have all of the good attributes of
Langline wrenches, and then some, and apparently none of the faults.
They have 5 degree (72 click) resolution and have been incredibly
reliable in the field.  10mm for all sorts of things, 13mm for
hydraulic pump and alternator adjustment, and 17mm for those &$@*ing
Type 85 bumper bolts.  There's even a stubby 13mm for the rear
alternator pivot bolt and some exhaust nuts.  Halfords have now
produced a little kit (pictured towards the top right) that turns the
10mm and 13mm ratchet wrenches into 1/4" and 3/8" socket wrenches - but
several millimetres thinner than the real thing.  At the top of the
picture is something even neater - it turns the 10mm ratchet wrench
into a hex bit ratchet wrench.  It's pictured with the 6mm bit used for
the cam cover on an I5.

At the bottom is the lineup I use for torqueing up the cam wheel bolt
on I5s.  On the ur-quattro especially, clearance is a real issue and I
find it impossible to get a normal setup onto the bolt with the
auxiliary radiator still in place.  The adaptor in the middle is a
one-off; I found it in stock at Hayway Tools but they've no idea where
they got it from or where to get more like it, and I've had several
enquiries.  Does anyone recognise it?  Clearance is a _real_ issue
and conventional step-down adaptors just don't fit.

 Phil Payne
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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