Still 5KTQ No Start

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Fri Jan 19 19:20:47 EST 2001


Sorry to here that the injectors did not help. Spending money that does
not cure a fault is frustrating.
A couple of cost free ideas are to firstly check the rest height of the
air flow plate and secondly a common reply is to check carefully for air
leaks in the inlet/breather pipes and intercooler. If there is a leak the
cold start injector may provide enough fuel for cold starting but as it
does not operate when hot the lack of fuel will cause starting problems.
It would be nice to confirm what the problem is either ignition or over or
under fueling.

Simon Holtby

--- Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at> wrote: > A few weeks ago I
mentioned a hot start problem, if there is such a
> thing in 
> Maine in January, with my 86 5KTQ.
> After checking fuel pressure, residual and otherwise, throttle position 
> switches etc., I settled on the oft mentioned injectors.  I assumed they
> were leaking gas into the cylinders and causing the problem, (any shut
> down 
> of 5 minutes to 2-3hrs and the car will not start without very long
> crank 
> times and a WOT)but when the car sat overnight, it starts no problem.
> Well new injectors did not help, I'm at a loss, any other ideas!?
> Thanks
> Mike
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