ur-q not starting

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 19 21:09:33 EST 2001

>Hi all. My 85 tqc has been sitting for about 5-6 weeks now. I went to try 
>and start it and it seems like its trying, but won't fire. I'm smelling 
>fuel from around the fuel pump area, but no leaks. Not sure how old fuel 
>filter is, or the pump for that matter.
Any ideas?

Bunch of ideas here.  The FP hot lead runs right by the battery and through 
the chassis nearby.  It is easy to (I think there is a connector very close 
by, inside the body)hard wire the pump to see/hear if it is running.  While 
there, you can eyeball the clear , hopefully, fuel filter that is between 
the tank and the pump for sediment.  A quick listen/pull of the cold start 
injector will tell if gas is getting to the engine.  Also I found a good 
cleaning/replacement of questionable engine compartment grounds will also 
Good Luck
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