[V8] Pep talk

Edward J Kellock ekellock at juno.com
Sun Jan 21 19:58:14 EST 2001

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 20:25:51 -0500 Kneale Brownson
<knotnook at traverse.com> writes:
> At 07:04 PM 01/21/2001 -0600, Unka Bart wrote:
> >Man, merely to *drive* a V8Q has to be one of the truly great joys of
> >motorheadom!  The closest thing to a 4-door 928 that exists!!!
> Was that supposed to be motorhedonism?

Ding.  I think you have coined a new term.  Perfect.

> >I might even start looking for another V8q5.  If only I could find a
way to
> >haul it behind the bus wheels-down...
> Why not just add a porch to the motorpalace and load the V8 onto the 
> porch for ezehauling?

I believe Bart already owns a Porch.  And hauling a V8 on one would
limit its usefullness...  ;-)

Colorado Springs
91 v8q 5spd ........... garage queen
89 200q  MC2 ....... new-to-me 3 days old and already a huge hit.
87 Coupe GT ......... old faithful
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