track event virgin

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Mon Jan 22 18:49:17 EST 2001

Hoping to do my first track event in Las Vegas in March. Car is a daily 
driven '87 5kcstq w/much fixed/replaced since my ownership. Track event is 
simply driving w/a pro, learning you & your car's limits on the track. I 
hope to do this every other month. Keep in mind this isn't "racing", but is 
driving to the "limits" over a 1 or 2 day period. (I sometimes feel that 
driving in L.A. is already over the limit...)

Looking to you racers/autoxers for advice:

1. pre-"race" I plan on brake inspection & bleed w/pentosin dot 4. I have 
powerdisk fr. & stock rr disks, oem pads. I was thinking of trying a 
different pads. Keep in mind this is also my daily driver. 
Suggestions/avoidances/BTDT's on non-oem pads for combined use.

2. Helmets. I don't need a pretty one, just a good, inexpensive one that'll 
protect my noggin. Suggestions on brands and outlets would be great.

3. I use Mobil 1 10w-30 & oem filter. Good nuff? I was thinking of pre-race 
going to either higher ??w-50 or Redline.

4. Tranny & diff lubes: I have synth in there now (castrol I think), good 

That's it (for now). Any of you autoxers/racers out there have car prep 
advice, by all means bring it on.


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