track event virgin

Michael Pshenishny pshenm at
Mon Jan 22 22:39:05 EST 2001

In reference to the SA vs. M Snell ratings, I believe the difference is this:
There is no difference between the "crash" ratings, they both face the same
requirements to be approved.
There is a difference in that SA is fire-resistant, while the M is not.
Generally, in a crash with a motorcycle, you probably wouldn't need the fire
protection, so the M helmets should be somewhat cheaper.

Mike Pshenishny
'87 5kcstq


>  Even if not needed for your lapping weekends you should
> make sure it is either Snell M95 or M00 approved.  The best would be one with a
> Snell SA95 or SA00, SA means they are mean't to be used in auto-racing as
> opposed to the M which means motorcycle, but is still accepted in many driving
> events.

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