blower fan cutting out on lft-hand turns (type 44)
DeWitt Harrison
de at
Wed Jan 24 10:23:44 EST 2001
There is another possibility although probably unlikely in the
winter. I experienced a similar symptom when the water drains
under the evaporator became blocked and trapped, condensed
water in the tray would slosh into the blower fan during left handers.
The blower would sputter and sound like it was cutting out. No
water shot out of the vents so it was kind of a head scratcher
for a while. The tip off was that water was sometimes dumped on
the passenger's feet during rapid acceleration.
DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq
On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 19:43:29 -0500, Dave Aukerman wrote:
> Subject says it all. Interesting data point, did not occur before I
> installed new thermostat last night. Blower is fine on straight line and
> right hand turns. Sign of impending failure?
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