FW: [ba] electrical problems?

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Wed Jan 24 10:57:32 EST 2001

Thanks for the note Jim!  I think that the limted number of members of the
bay area group might mean that you may not find someone who has direct
experience to help ... so I'm posting this reply to the main quattro list as
well.  If any of you on the qlist have any thoughts to offer, please be sure
to include his address in your reply as I don't know for sure if he is
subbed ...
> I have an 96 Cabriolet and am experiencing some
> electrical problems. They are as follows: 1) The car
> will not always shift out of park unless the car is
> shut off and restarted. I am always sure the brake is
> on when this happens. 2) The top light flashes of and
> works intermittently. 3) The radio turns on by itself.

I am thinking that there is not one common cause to these problems ... the
radio turning on by itself may be a problem inside the radio.  Fixing the
problems with the shift lock mechanism and the top light may require having
the service manual ... or a trip to the dealer ... 
> Does anyone have any suggestions on any of the
> problems?  Also are these cars known for using a lot
> of oil. The car only has 50K on it but consumes a lot
> of oil. 

... what is your definition of "a lot" of oil?  I would say that it is not
unusual to expect to have the engine use one quart of oil in 3000 miles,
some have seen even higher consumption rates.  Do you see any leaks?

> On a side note does anyone know of a good mechanic in
> the Napa area?
> Thanks in advance for any help....Jim

Good luck!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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