Was 5KTQ NO start, NOW START

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 14:11:37 EST 2001

As a few additional words were heard from the regions on this, I believe my 
problem, for the moment, is solved.
I installed a new Fuel Pump check valve and the car started right up after 
2-3 stops that had recently caused no start problems.
I was not looking forward to this job on a Maine winter night.
However it was a balmy 32 degrees (really Bart!), I had run the tank down to 
the warning light and I was please to find the gas warm after it's 
recirculation around the engine compartment and fuel pump.
I had done this before and it only took about 40 minutes.
I was going to go with a used check valve, a dealer 20 miles north had a new 
one for $27, the local dealer $35.  I bit my lip and went local. These 
pricing discrepancies still irk me.
I removed the old one and could whistle through it both ways, not good.
Reassembled and was done in short order.  Then I realized you have to 
reinstall the sending unit retaining ring before reattaching the hoses, five 
more minutes and I was out with the car running.
Moral, get a good guage, or someone with one when you get hit by the hot 
start blues.  Of course if I did this I wouldn't have new injectors today, 
but I also wouldn't have learned how to swap injectors.
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