narrow tyres on wide rims

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at
Mon Jan 29 17:02:33 EST 2001

And all the while I'm thinking that the German auto-fan has been applying
some wonderful common sense / racing technique to their tire choices. And
it's only a loop-hole!

I should've known better...


Peter Berrevoets
1990 200TQ
Toronto, Canada

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: quattro-admin at
> >[mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> >Behalf Of Tom Nas
> >Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 1:53 PM
> >To: quattro at
> >Subject: narrow tyres on wide rims
> >
> >
> >Hi all,
> >
> >Sorry, too lazy to check the archives for the actual thread-
> >but someone
> >wondered why lots of customized cars in Germany sport rims
> >sticking out of
> >the tyre sidewalls. I've read the explanation today. While
> >most countries
> >specify that the wheels may not stick out beyond the
> >fenders, in Germany
> >the law says that only the tyre treads may not stick out beyond the
> >fenders. So, wide rims are allowed but not tyres supposed to
> >fit those rims.
> >Weird law, strange-looking cars.
> >
> >Tom
> >

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