manual boost controllers, and ECU functions

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Wed Jan 31 08:06:27 EST 2001 at wrote:

> >> Another question, would an SJM chip affect how quickly target
> >> boost is reached?
> > I doubt it, becasue a stock ECU should do this:
> A chipped ECU reaches target boost slower than an unchipped one - the
> inertia of the turbo is unchanged and it has to spin up further.  The
> stiffer spring means you reach the previous maximum more quickly, but
> it takes a little while longer to get to the top.

This is very true--when I put in a 1.6 bar Charlie Smith spring, the
difference in throttle response at low pressures was very noticeable.
Maybe my stock spring had gotten a little soft, but I don't think it was
staying shut up to ~1.2 bar like I think it's supposed to.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 169k

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