200 TQ Hissssssssss.... Update

Kurt Wesseling kurtw at adelphia.net
Wed Jul 4 15:24:34 EDT 2001


First off, thanks to all who have helped in attempting to diagnose the
"hiss" problem.  I still haven't discovered where it is leaking.  Although
the IC, aka "Michelin man" hose was ok, I've replaced it anyway.
Performance has improved but I still have the hiss and black smoke under

Peter Berrevoets suggestion below is a good one and I'll be checking that
next.  Pantelis has suggested a way to pressurize the system with an old oil
bottle, but I still haven't figured out how to make that work.  Wish I

I'll report back once I've figured out the cause of the leak.

Thanks all,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Berrevoets" <pjberr at home.com>
To: "1 Quattro List (E-mail)" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 1:45 AM
Subject: FW: 200 TQ Hissssssssss....

> If the michelin man hose is ok, the most likely culprit is your turbo high
> pressure side to intercooler intake hose, likely right at or almost under,
> the clamp holding it to the intercooler intake port.
> The earlier cars used a singal piece 'U' shaped hose that is the ideal
> replacement for this pirece. The MC2 which you may have has a three piece
> unit with a noise suppressing foam insert. This ended up inside my
> intercooler btw.
> You will have to take the hose off to check it because it will leak only
> under boost, and will not leave any sign of a leak otherwise. A visual
> inspection is awkward because you can't really get a good angle to look at
> it.

> Peter Berrevoets

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