good news.. and bad news...

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Thu Jul 5 10:12:20 EDT 2001

Ok... good news... looks like i figured out why the wifes wagon wasnt
charging..... the bad news.. 140$ for a rebuild of the alt....

ill be dead when i get home (wife) so if anyone wants my car.. just let me
know before im dead, ill put you in the will :)

on another subject... 

my 87 5ktq all of a sudden the trip computer isnt displaying anything.
lights off or on... i havent looked at any fuses or anything yet.. just
noticed it on the way to work today.. havent had a chance.. any place i need
to look?

Thanks all...

Have a good weekend as im off to springfield mass for a convention with the
wife tomorrow and sat... and then sunday is Kuk Sool Won black belt testing
in Briarcliff Manor NY... UGH am i gonna be tired... :(  

87 5ktq
89 200tqa

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