Moron du jour (N.A.C.)

Iain Atkinson iain.atkinson at
Thu Jul 5 23:57:17 EDT 2001

Guy Fawkes night come early, jeeeeezzzz what a muppett.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Mike Arman
Sent: 05 July 2001 13:03
To: quattro at
Subject: Moron du jour (N.A.C.)

No Audi content, but indulge me . . .

>Missouri Man Bakes Fireworks, Blows Up Kitchen
>KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Reuters) - Fireworks hidden in a Kansas City man's oven
turned out to be a recipe for disaster when the
>man attempted to heat up some food but instead blew his kitchen to bits.
>The explosion occurred early on Wednesday, the U.S. Independence Day
holiday, at the home of a 28-year-old man who had
>spent the night celebrating with a group of friends, Kansas City Assistant
Fire Marshall Jim Duddy said Thursday.
>According to Duddy, the group, ``who had been drinking heavily,'' were
shooting fireworks off for several hours on Tuesday night
>at the Northland area home, disturbing neighbors who called police.
>Someone in the group attempting to hide a stash of fireworks from the
police, stuffed them into the oven and then forgot about
>them, Duddy said.
>About 3 a.m. the homeowner decided to bake some lasagna and turned the
oven on. ``It blew the kitchen all apart,'' said Duddy.
>''The walls were all blown out, the oven flew right through one of the
>Flying glass caused some slight injuries, but otherwise no one was hurt. 

(From Yahoo news, today)

I think any further comment would be superfluous.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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