coupe engine trouble

Tessie McMillan tessmc at
Thu Jul 5 18:09:01 EDT 2001

Don't the Euro models have engine diagnostic capabilities? I guess I'm
exposing my *profound* ignorance here...

And guys, I'm pretty sure I recently saw a post on checking an O2 sensor by
unplugging it and... [doing X which had something to do with an ohmmeter or
..? ]. Only problem is that I cannot remember whether I saw that post on
this digest or on the Alfa digest. Does anyone remember?


-----Original Message-----
From: Per Lindgren [mailto:lindgre at]

Tessie McMillan wrote:

> Does the check engine light come on? That's another thing folks on the
> list reminded me to follow up on.

These old Audi's like Glenn's 89 and my 92 does not have any check engine
light. These are Euro models you know. But I will pass on the info about the
O2 sensor. Thank you!

92 Cabrio 2.3E

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