front strut's shock insert cap removing

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at
Sun Jul 15 15:44:58 EDT 2001

Hi listers.

Could not wait for special tool rental and I do it first time so I did
no know what to expect. So... questions came up as usually:

How to remove front shock retaining cap without special tool?  I
remember listers mention pipe wrench.  Is any other way?

Front Boge and Bilstein has different caps and need differen spcial
tools. What kind of special tool is mentioned in Bentley?  Hollow long
hex? It is for Boge. Then what is used for Bilsteins?  I  has 2 notches
on at the ends of the cap's diameter.

Thank you.

Konstantin Bogach
two 200tq(a) '89

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