valves, pistons, same place, same time=yuck$$$

Burl Vibert blur at
Wed Jul 18 00:21:51 EDT 2001

Well, thanks to a leaking coolant pump and an old timing belt the
worst has happened.  I guess my question is should remove the head
with all manifolds attached or should I remove them first?  What's

$180CAD for a head gasket?   Should I just torch it?  This really,
really sucks.  I even tried to appease the Audi Gods by sacrificing a
new radiator recently, guess it wasn't enough for them. Sorry, needed
to vent.

Burl Vibert
1983 BMW 320i (only car that works)
1983 Audi Coupe (dead, no reverse)
1987 Audi 5000cstq (dead, nasty clanking engine noises)
More dead stuff
Kingston, Ontario

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