strange ur-q

Jim Haseltine Jim at
Wed Jul 18 23:44:05 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Eaton" <Dave.Eaton at>

> looking at a ur-quattro today.  advertised as a '84.  vin says it's an
> '83 model (da901008).
> cibie lights, sloping grille, push/pull diff lock, but analogue gauges???
> did the analogue gauges not get changed until the late in the '83 model
> year?

Start of the 84 year for the green digi-dash.

The sloping grille should start at the begining of the 85 year.

Push/pull diff lock was introduced approx 100 vehicles before my 81 Ur.

I'm currently working on a late 84 Ur, ABS, green dash, voice, 8" wheels,
flat grille, blacked out rear lights (single bulb) and a red reflector bar.
Oh, I nearly forgot - also with the most comprehensively cracked manifold
that I have ever seen, a valve spring in the wastegate and injectors that
almost fall out of the head.


Jim Haseltine

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