Seal removal pliers

Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) BSWANN at
Mon Jul 23 10:03:23 EDT 2001

I wasn't sure who was asking about the seal removal pliers, but I was in
this dilemma Friday.

I could have borrowed some from a local Audi mechanic freind, but not
wanting to wait 'til Monday, thought I'd try something.

I took an old set of regular pliers, a small set.  It barely fit down in the
lifter hole, and went around the seal - no it definately would not grab the
seal without deformation, but confirmed a basic fit check.  I then proceeded

Grind the pliers to do the job.  I used both a bench grinder - ground down
the nose of the jaws until it was flat and took some meat off the sides so
it fit in the hole better.  I was able to actually go in a get one of the
seals out, but thought it could be a little better.  Using a 1/2" grind
stone on a rotary tool, ground down the inside of the jaws, so it fit well
over the seal.  I left some of the teeth so it would grab the seal

I wrapped the handles in duct tape to protect the bore while doing the job.

Now I have my own set of seal puller pliers made from a pair of pliers I
really never used.

Beats waiting a week to have a set mail orderd from wherever.

I'll post a picture, along with others on the head rebuild when I get a
chance.  This was the second tool I had to fabricate - the first was the
lifter compressor used to extract/install the spring retainers.


Head rebuild for project GTQ - 2.3l NG for 4kq,  complete.

[I think I have pretty much covered the field as far as seal removal pliars

Stalhwille:  German.  My pick for top of the line.  I went to various shops
looked at the actual pliars.  These are very well built and should last a
lifetime without any trouble.
They make two models, 11063 which is short and the 11063/1 which is longer.
11063/1 has a longer reach and fits both the older designs and also the
engines.List price is 42.00 from Baum  with a 6.00 shipping fee.

Hazet, another German manufacturer, is being sold by the Cornwell truck
Four calls to two different sales people, both of whom knew nothing of
Hazet.  I
was able to get an abbreviated catalog of Hazet products from Zelinda (toll
888-892-8348)  Neither catalog showed the Hazet pliars or the cost of same.
Hazet quality is unsurpassed. I was able to get the product number from the
web site.   It is , Hazet 791-5. Better check this at their site.

Facom.  This manufacturer is really being dumped on here in the States.  The
distributor is SK .  When I called, on my own dime I might add,  the person
answering wasn't sure if they handeled that line or not.  I was put on hold
for a
couple of minutes and when she returned I was given another number to call.
Again, no toll free number.

When I finally reached someone who knew what I was talking about, I was told
there would be a minimum of a 12 week wait.  I was able to get a pair of DM
as recommended by Phil Payne from the Ultimate Garage for a very good price.
Facom's special valve seal pliars are DM 7.  The number for the Ultimate
is 201-262-0412.

Snap-On is carrying a seal remover tool made by Schley here in the US.  From
photograph in their catalog they have a twist on the lower part similar to
Hazet.  No price list.  Must contact Snap-On for prices.  Part Number 92350.

K-D used to make these tools but for some reason has stopped.  Chris Semple,
force5 auto up in New Hampshire, gave me the product number so I called the
offices at K-D and was told that the number was discontinued in 93.

I called Lisle and was actually put in touch with a Mr. Lisle.
who told me that they did not make that tool but thanked me for bringing it
his attention.  He told me it sounded like something that they would be
interested in and would look into it further.

There is now a new company on the West Coast called Sir.
Noone seems to know anything about them.  They do have compressors and
One of their outlets is Motoworks and they list the pliars as part number GL
110.  Their toll free number is 800-544-5357.  These folks were recommended
to me
by another lister who spoke highly of their service and prices.  Adding that
were ol' time VW guys.]

> Donald,
> Did you ever figure anything out on the seal removal pliers?  My head
> is going slow.
> Ira
> In a message dated 6/30/01 9:34:34 AM, >I have still to contact Sears,
> and K-D.  Most parts stores carry
> >abbreviated versions of the aforementioned catalogs.  Chris Semple of
> >Force 5, up in Concord, NH,
> >is going to see if he can come up with part numbers from Lisle for the
> >pliars and installation tool.
> >

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