TQW as parts truck/weird idle oscillation

David Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 23 10:56:00 EDT 2001

Thatsa bad aux air valve - what its doing is allowing/forcing the decel valve to
open and close. BTDT. You can try cleaning it, but likely you have to replace

Steve Jensen wrote:

> Where the idle was a rock solid 900 rpms before, it now oscillates between
> 1200 and 1400 at about 1 hertz.  Real weird.  My gut says I blew the end
> caps off the intercooler on the 1-2 shift (it wasn't strapped), but I would
> think the idle would stay steady if that were the case.  Mich man hose
> replaced 1 month ago, codes pulled, showing 4444, haven't looked at the IC
> yet since 3 days with 120 kids just about killed me. . .
> Any pointers?  The Bentley is going to work with me tomorrow.

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