1.8T motor into an Ur-Q? Chris Semple...anyone?

Achint Sandhu sandhu at kilo.dyndns.org
Mon Jul 23 22:45:41 EDT 2001

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	Just a quick note. The RS2 tranny is the CRB tranny. The CBD tranny is the 
late model S4/S6 tranny....

	If anyone wants, I have a spreadsheet (courtesy Peter Blaser) containing the 
parts breakdowns of the various transmissions... (Email me off the list and I 
can send it to you, since attachements are not allowed on the list)


On Monday 23 July 2001 21:16, chris at force5auto.com wrote:
> > I'm thinking of dropping a 1.8T from an A4 into the URQ.  Only questions
> > I have on my mind, does anyone know if it will bolt up to the
> > transmission? Rob Andrews
> Hi Rob, the 1.8T's have a Vw 4cyl bellhousing pattern, so no, they won't
> match a 5cyl trans pattern. As to whether the RS2 trans would be machined
> to accept both 4cyl and 5 cyl engines...I doubt it. We'd have to talk
> specific tranny codes, but the last RS2 unit I had around(CBD code I think)
> wasn't looking that way to me. As always, YMMV, and with enough money, even
> the square peg will fit the round hole.
> Cheers,
> Chris Semple
> Concord NH
> '84 4000tq Lightweight
>    '87 4000q--for sale
>       '83 tqc
>          '95 s6, just a 5spd

- -- 
        Stop!  Whoever crosseth the bridge of Death, must answer first
these questions three, ere the other side he see!
        "What is your name?"
        "Sir Brian of Bell."
        "What is your quest?"
        "I seek the Holy Grail."
        "What are four lowercase letters that are not legal flag arguments
to the Berkeley UNIX version of `ls'?"
        "I, er.... AIIIEEEEEE!"

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