Possessed Headlites

Steve Sherman spsherm at attglobal.net
Tue Jul 24 12:13:04 EDT 2001

I'm having an unusual (but somewhat amusing) problem with my left
headlite.  Every so often the left headlite will just cut out,
lows/highs doesn't matter it just goes off. Switching the switches
(on/off or hi/lo) don't seem to effect it.  Then on it's own it will
decide to come back on.  Once on, both hi/lo work normally for a while
but then go out again a few secs to a few minutes later.  Bumps, turns
and the like do not seem to effect this.

First time this happened I thought it was the bulb and replaced it.  Now
however this can happen anytime. And the on off cycles seem to be
shorter  And while guessing when the lites will return can be amuzing,
I'd really like to fix this.

I have checked for loose connections at the bulb, but things look OK.  I
am curious if anyone else has a BTDT on this one.  I don't really wnat
to start replacing switches and the like at random, but am puzzled as to
what mght be the cause of this...


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