Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS

Fred Munro munrof at
Tue Jul 24 21:47:19 EDT 2001

Hi John;

You need the old Windoze standby - re-boot the system. Disconnect the
battery, wait for a few minutes, and reconnect. If that doesn't work, try
1. Remove back seat bottom
2. Open right rear door.
3. Lock car with key or remote (assuming it locks with the door open).
4. Disconnect battery.
5. Unlock car with key.
6. Reconnect battery.

The above is based on my recollection of a series of posts a couple of years
ago on this topic. The back seat contortions kind of stuck in my mind. Of
course you could lock the SO in the back to disconnect the battery, but that
could be a bit dicey - have you out in just a minute, dear, I was sure this
would work....

Haven't had this problem myself (yet)


Fred Munro
'94 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>
To: "Andrew Lundy" <fast928 at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS

> Just tried this.  No difference.  BTW, the key generally has to be turned
> twice to lock the car.  FLASH!!!! The lock turns the opposite way on the
> properly functioning car.  Further complication?  It would appear there is
> switching problem.  The good one locks/sets the alarm with a single
> clockwise turn of the key, the bad one unlocks/sets with the same motion.
> The good car uses 2 CCW motions to unlock all the doors, the bad one uses
> the same technique to lock.  Therein lies the problem, I think.  Ideas?
> TIA, John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Lundy" <fast928 at>
> To: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>; <quattro at>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS
> > Have you tried locking/unlocking at the passenger door???  Is it still
> > of sync??
> >
> > I've heard of one other person with this problem.  Although he caused it
> > himself!!  He pulled his vacuum pump apart to look at it and when it got
> put
> > back together this is what happened.  He spent about 5 months working on
> it
> > and tried replacing the vacuum pump to know avail.  Last time I "spoke"
> with
> > him (a few months ago) he still didn't have it fixed, I haven't heard
> > since!!
> >
> > Hopefully yours is something simple!!
> > ---
> > Andrew Lundy
> > fast928 at
> > 90 80q
> > 95 90q
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>
> > To: <quattro at>
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:11 PM
> > Subject: Strange alarm behavior, 93 100CS
> >
> >
> > > Alarm engages when the car is unlocked, disarms when the car is
> unlocked,
> > > with both the key and the IR.  I have a new actuator/latch assembly at
> > hand,
> > > but don't really want to throw $125 at it if it's not the problem.
> > Interior
> > > light switch is 6 months old, all else in the latch/lock area appears
> OK.
> > > Happened suddenly, and hasn't behaved properly since it did, so it's
> > > intermittent.  Anybody had the locks and alarm out of phase before?
> > > fix?  TIA, John
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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