1.8T motor into an Ur-Q?

Frank de Kat fdekat at sentex.net
Wed Jul 25 19:27:19 EDT 2001

I saw what I thought was the above at the Rim of the World rally last year.
Or at least:

-Coupe/Urq body style (Can't remember if it had the flared fenders. But I
think so..)
-4 cylnder motor (Not an I5 for sure)
-Very interesting turbo setup

For some reason, I'm thinking it was being run by a person called Ron Wood...

Anyone else remember seeing such a beast?


Frank de Kat 
fdekat at sentex.net   
Dundas, Ontario, Canada

Audi 4000CSq (x2 !)
(To see "The Rally Pictures")

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