'93 90 floor mats & bra

Steve Marinello smarinello at telocity.com
Thu Jul 26 21:03:37 EDT 2001

On the subject of floor mats;

Found a set of ecru mats for the last of the 90 series cars in the garage
this past weekend while I did some cleaning and cabinetry.   Also found the
one-piece bra (Wolf) that was put on  the wifes' former (two minivans ago)
'93 90S once to check the fit and then never used.

Anyone need/want either?  The mats are still in plastic; the bra in the box.
For the cost of shipping and a nominal offer?

Got a set of 205/45-16 P700Z's up in the attic, too.  Two very good, one
real close and one less so.  Good spare track set for a fun time, but not
for a hard core racer who needs R1's.


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