92 100 Avant

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Tue Jul 31 23:42:08 EDT 2001

Well, we went to see this car that had 40,000 miles.  It now has around
40010 miles.

Pretty good car.  Big surprise: no sunroof.  Not a major problem for either
of us, as we use the a/c and listen to the radio  mostly.

Everything else checked out.  It is an original one onwer car, and suprise
surprise!  In the glove box were all the original books, AND all the work
orders for services. High marks for this.

Tires were good...nearly new Goodyears.  Ok.

BUT.  The car had had the left front fender replaced, and exterior
maintenance was only so-so, I thought.  Originally from PA, it had lived in
Maine, and I think, largely outside as there seemed to be a lot of pine
pitch on the car...here and there...as though the car had been made to live
outside a lot.  Restorable with a good exterior detailing, but still...

Then, we found that the car had been smoked in, which is a BIG turnoff for

Then, I discovered in the work orders that the  the wrong fluid had been put
into the "power steering" resevoir, and then the power steering had become
hard....a flush had been done, and when we drove the car, everything seemed
fine...no leaks or other telltales, but still.....

The kicker was also that the car had been serviced in Florida at Kmart
service centers....now, I REALLY worry with that one.

Asking price?  $11,900 which is a bit over the top for this car, despite the

We have decided that although we think the car a great value probably, and a
good buy with a bit of bargaining, we are going to look elsewhere.  As it
happens, my bank will offer such a great deal on a '98 lease turn in that we
are looking at, with 40k on the clock, that we will happily pay the extra
money for the extra year for the MUCH newer car.

I'm still bargaining hard here, but wait until the next story...there's
bound to be one!


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