radar detectors

Lee M. Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sat Jun 2 09:11:35 EDT 2001

Colin Cohen <ccohen5 at compuserve.com> writes:

> But I have to admit that a well installed V1 is a simpler proposition its
> just that messing with the head lining is not my idea of fun

No real messing involved. On my 200t...and other vehicles, I drilled one
small hole drilled through the headliner into the metal brace. The RD
bracket then mounts via a sheet metal screw. On the 200t I had to shorten
the visor by about an inch or so.

On my S6 and A6 wagons, the job was much easier. I simply unmounted the
center visor and used the existing hole for the RD installation. Maybe the
factory planned this! <grin>

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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