R-12 to R-134

Avi Meron avim at pacbell.net
Sat Jun 2 08:42:01 EDT 2001

More than likely you have to drop the refrigerant quantity, try to put in
10% less.
134A has higher pressures than R12 so it is more efficient, less refrigerant
will do as good a job!
Let us know,

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Brian O'Neill
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:54 PM
To: Neil Swanson; quattro list
Subject: Re: R-12 to R-134

we did and 86 coupe, was putting a condensor and evap
in it anyway, so decided to try, also put a dryer in
it just for the retro, that is where years of dirt,
moisture collect and the 12 oil. it worked great for
the first year, now when the car is hot it shuts off
all by itself, we havent looked into it yet, may be a
loose wire, but it actually cools nice. we are a shop
and have a machine, so i did a freon flush also ( that
shoots freon in and pulls it out for as long as you
want, it pulls alot of the dirt and old oil out of it.
so for it to be the best it can in your car, i
reccommend pulling the 12 out ( if there is any, and
if not you have to find the leak first or your wasting
your time, 134 will leak out even faster ), flush with
12, change dryer, evac for at least and hour, the
longer the better, when i did my 90 (still 12) i
evaced for most of the day, fill with 134 and oil,
only about 80% of the freon. and hope for the best. i
know of alot of old compressore ( mostly jap though )
that blow because of the higher pressure.
                                       brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80
88 944 turbo s
--- Neil Swanson <75377.3445 at compuserve.com> wrote:
> Done it?
> Anyone out there done the R-12 to R-134 switch and
> if so what parts did you
> use and how well does it work.
> Car is a 91 200 20v.   Who sells the parts? Blau?
> Thanks
> Neil

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