Subject: torque specs for 4kq exhaust manifold

Russ Maki rinard at
Thu Jun 7 02:41:04 EDT 2001

I went with the torque spec the Bentley lists for the 4-cyl engine, 23nm or
17 lb-ft. I later found a Phil Payne post listing the turbo "exhaust joint"
spec at 25 nm, so 23 sounded pretty correct for an NA engine.

The EM studs on my car backed out quite easily, BTW. But they had been
replaced 50000 miles earlier. :-)
Russ Maki
Ixonia, Wis.

> From: "Tom B" <dr_hydro at>
> To: quattro at
> Subject: torque specs for 4kq exhaust manifold
> Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 11:55:51 -0000
> Hello all,
> Once again I am having problems finding torque specs in the Bentley
> I am installing my exhaust manifold and cannot find the torque specs for
> em bolts in the bentley. I can find specs for any other bolt in the
> system, just not those :-(. Help!!
> TIA,
> Tom B.

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