Axles..Where to buy

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Jun 8 18:40:25 EDT 2001

--- gwbutler <gwbutler at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to find a good source for a quality
> replacement axle (inner/outer 
> CV joint) for my non-turbo 88 5ksq (with ABS). I've
> tried both  The Parts 
> Connection and Blaufergnugen to no avail.  I realize
> that I'll end up with a 
> re-manufactured unit and I want to make sure that I
> get a decent one (I just 
> got a quote for $69.95,  sounds a little too cheap).
>  Any advice? TIA
George you are exactly right.  If both OE boot kits
cost slightly more than half that price (with some
serious price shopping) what do you think you'll get. 
I find these over-ground and spray-painted jobs
struggle to make 10k miles.  Just my opine.  I thought
the OE joints were about $125-160 per set (inner and
outer).  Maybe I'm way off.  I KNOW TPC had the Lobro
CV's for the end of the driveshaft (nearly identical
to the inners) for $50 a while ago.  I think new OE
Lobro joints would be an install and forget about it
proposition.  I guess it all depends how long you'd
keep the car, how many miles you drive and how often
you'd like to disassemble the front end.

Jim Accordino

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