Axles..Where to buy

Michael Murphy mjmjr at
Fri Jun 8 21:55:27 EDT 2001

gwbutler wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to find a good source for a quality replacement axle (inner/outer
> CV joint) for my non-turbo 88 5ksq (with ABS). I've tried both  The Parts
> Connection and Blaufergnugen to no avail.  I realize that I'll end up with a
> re-manufactured unit and I want to make sure that I get a decent one (I just
> got a quote for $69.95,  sounds a little too cheap).  Any advice? TIA
> Regards,
> George B.
> Massachusetts

Might be an ACEI rebuilt (aka ARI), which, BTW, are what Jorgen sells.  ARI 
does some things well and shafts are one of the items they do do well.

George, does the car have an AT or MT?  Figures heavily in getting the right
Mike Murphy

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