89 200 quattro available cheap Toronto Ontario
Colin Barfoot
cbarfoot1939 at home.com
Mon Jun 11 08:21:59 EDT 2001
Looking back there may have been a gradual degredation in the overall smoothness of the shifts - like it occasionally didn't make though to the next gear...if I didn't match revs properly - which I normally do - out of practive for racing..... Getting into first sometimes I had to first reach 2nd gear before the selecor would slide in. But the failure really came fast - like 2 days of finding it really really hard to get into reverse without putting all of my strength into it. Then when I reached work in the AM (Thurs) when I rolled to stop in my parking place nd pushed the cluch in the car was still being driven forward! Scarey! On the way to the garage after work - I got stuck in the midly of an intersection when the traffic stopped and I couldn't get moving. I had to shut off the car and start on the starter. once on the highway shifting was smooth again but at parking lot speeds - it was almost immpossible to get it into first and start moving...
Back in May I did a lapping session on mosport and did once go straight through an esses - over the curb - faily slowly with no obvious bangs or damage... No accidents or other causes as far as I could see. The clutch was replaced about 2 years before I bought the car and was always stiff Vs my 5000 CD quattro....
So Audi experts - any ideas what could have happened.
only the 90 Corrado G60 200000km now.. :~(
----- Original Message -----
From: Duncan Thomson
To: Colin Barfoot
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: 89 200 quattro available cheap Toronto Ontario
By input shaft do you mean the part that connects (via the clutch) to the engine output shaft, or the gear selector rod / selector fork mechanism (the part that moves when you move the gear shift?
Oh, looking at your original post, looks like you do mean the input shaft... since it took out the clutch and flywheel... ummm... ouch!
How the heck do you bend an input shaft...
As for the other driver, I can't see anyone but a true Mr Olympian managing it with the gear shift, even if the clutch was stuffed...
I would guess that he just bent the selector rod or fork...
I also wouldn't have thought a bent input shaft it would slowly get worse... sounds like a sudden catastrophic sort of failure...
errr... when it didn't select gears, did it make a grinding noise or just refuse to move through the gate...?
I know, you're not looking for solutions here, but I'm curious to see what other listers make of this...
In any case, you have my sympathy...
Hope you're not Audi-less for too long...
That was a Audian slip...
It is the transmission "input shaft" that got bent not a transaxle half shaft. I was just able to drive the car to the garage - but it was like driving without a clutch - shifting between all gears was possible as long as the revs were matched. One of the other local Q drivers (a salesman at the dealer) said it had happened to him as well - though in his case the clutch went first and when he tried to jam the car into gear it did the bending...?
The garage took it apart enough to assess the damage - then rolled the car out of the garage.
I am looking into a lease of a Maxima SE or Passat 1.8T or V6 5 spd. to fit in the family wife and children 11,7,5 but still be sporty and what I can afford at this point. If I had time plus garage with tools I would consider finding the parts used and repairing it myself...
----- Original Message -----
From: David Head
To: Colin Barfoot ; qlist
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: 89 200 quattro available cheap Toronto Ontario
Those just don't go together. The first/reverse problem is usually caused by a bad 3.00 bushing in the linkage. Takes about an hour or so to replace. Can you get it into other gears? If so, then your clutch/TO etc aren't likely bad.
A bent half shaft will give big vibration problems which could cause a wheel or transaxle bearing to go bad - but affect the clutch - this just doesn't go together... You could get a used half shaft cheap at any number of places, especially if the CV joint condition doesn't matter.
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