Q-list decals

FJ40Jim at aol.com FJ40Jim at aol.com
Fri Jun 22 14:18:00 EDT 2001

Thanks for making the list decal thing happen.  I have just dropped my $5 in 
the post to you.  Looking forward to the additional HP provided by the new 

In a message dated 6/22/01, quattro-request at audifans.com writes:
>  Q-list recognition decals are available and in hand for immediate 
> These decals will permit a quick highway identification of list members and 
> are presumed to be list approved badge engineering.  :-)  Guaranteed to 
> provide up to an additional 550 or more horsepower - each.  :-)
>  Purchase procedure (USA):  Send a check payable in US$ for the correct 
> amount (US$2.50 for each decal, $5 for 2, $10 for 4, etc. Two per car 
> recommended.) plus a SASE (self addressed, stamped envelope) to:
>  Robert Myers
>  Rt. 4, Box 57
>  Fayetteville, WV 25840
>  USA
>  Disclaimer:  This is a non-profit (personal profit, that is) effort.  Any 
> profits, after printing and shipping expenses are paid, will be sent to our 
> Beloved Listmeister, Dan" to help defray list expenses.

Jim Chenoweth
Lancaster, Ohio, USA
Mailto: fj40jim at aol.com
Ph. 740.862.2604

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