exterior of my '89 100

Audimobiles at aol.com Audimobiles at aol.com
Mon Jun 25 17:23:55 EDT 2001

In a message dated 6/25/2001 8:44:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
andynyc at spacelab.net writes:

<< 1.  This weekend I used the car for transporting some mattresses on the
 roof.  We used some tape to hold them on.  The tape came off the glass fine,
 but a good amount of adhesive residue stuck to the painted parts.  Anyone
 suggest a good solution for removing the adhesive without damaging the
 paint?  WD-40?  Another degreaser? >>

    Try 3M bug and tar remover (in the little can). You shouldn't have to 
worry about this stuff dulling your paint when you're rubbing it on. Its a 
little milder than some other applications IMHO, but it comes through with 
great results for me.

<< I think what happened is he
got some of the foam tire cleaner on the hood... which (we found out later)
you're not supposed to do.  So parts of my hood has lost its gloss....>>

    Has the hood ever been repainted? If so, then it could very well be faded 
from the sun. Either way, I'd suggest trying to buff out the dulled area's 
with a low residue rubbing compound and then giving it a good wax to restore 
the shine. Depending on how long the degreaser sat on the hood, the clear 
coat is more than likely damaged and your prolly looking at a repaint or 
finding a nice hood at a junk yard. HTH!

    Dave Farrer
    '90 V8Q

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