Metric to AN Adapters?

Peter Golledge petergg at
Wed Jun 27 23:56:55 EDT 2001

Todd Phenneger wrote:
> Peter,
>  I'm confused.  In your first statement you state that
> "
> > On my 89 200Q I went with -10 fittings 1/2" hose, no oil
> > pressure
> > issues but much cooler temps.
> "
>   But then you go on to say that "I don't really think there is
> room enough o effectively cool things unless you relocate the
> main cooler to the front bumper."  What do you mean.  The
> factory cooler works well.  Even on boosted engine.  

The OE cooler is woeful if you do any track work or if you do big
long hills.  On a small track in less than 5 laps you are
backing right off to avoid overtemp.  I do runs over loveland 
pass (12000 ft) with a car load of ski folk and their gear, 
this taxes the cooling capacity of the car even in winter!

The oil cooler on my 930 is approximately 12x the size of the OE
Audi unit but that is a different story. ;-)

I guess what I really meant was: "If you want mongo cooling 
there is only sufficient room out by the bumper".  Putting a
bigger Earles cooler (nearly 6x OE) is still a compromise as
you don't get the best airflow and you have "gill" the bumper
liner.  The compromise still results in cooler oil temps in
summer/on track.

> Aftermarket works even better.  YOu dont want your oil TOO Cool.

You can't "Too cool" there is a thermostatic bypass. :-)  If
I could shove a bigger H20 radiator in I would do that to!

> >   Also, has anyone done lines ot the turbo yet.  How do we
> > do the connection at the turbo.  Its not a threaded fitting.
> >> I have not done this, I don't really think there is room
> >> enough to effectively cool things unless you relocate the
> >>main  cooler to the front bumper.
> > -------
>   Again, confused, what does replacing the turbo oil lines have
> to do with moving the cooler.  I'm not following you on this.
> You haven't done new turbo lines but then you go to say that you
> you dont think the factory location cooler works but earlier you
> said you got much cooler temps???
>   Sorry, just very confused.

No worries, what I meant was that to add another cooler for just
the turbo oil you would have to either:

a.  Put the turbo oil cooler out front away from the OE oil cooler

b.  Put the main oil cooler on the bumper and put the turbo oil
    cooler where the OE cooler was originally mounted.

There simply is not much room left once you have removed the std 
cooler and replaced it with a unit 6x the area of the OE.

I will have to put up some photos of my current setup.

Peter Golledge

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