inside air fan bearing lub ?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Jun 30 20:46:01 EDT 2001

Did you try putting power to it?  Somebody told me some of those motors 
have a magnetized bushing arrangement that resists spinning (turns with 
some effort but will not "freewheel" if flicked with a fingertip, for 
example), but may be fully functional.  Power releases the magnetization 
that keeps it from spinning freely when unpowered.

At 05:20 PM 06/30/2001 -0400, Konstantin Bogach wrote:

>Hi all.
>I took it out. It does not spin because of too high friction in the
>bearing. Small dc motor with friction bearing.  Can these bearing be
>lubricated? I remember long time ago I lubed such bearing and it stuck
>forever in several days. So, not every oil can be used for it.  I don't
>know what can be used and what can not be.
>I have to confess that I don't know how friction bearing work, what it
>is made of and what the science behind of it.  Is it porous material
>which have lubricant in pores?
>Konstantin Bogach.

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