More steering noises

edkellock at edkellock at
Thu Mar 1 22:41:39 EST 2001

Since we're already on the topic...

I've noticed recently a noise in the steering 
on my 89 200q.  It happens while the steering
is being turned.  Think of the sound and
sensation of power steering when you put
a higher load on it, like when you're trying to
turn the wheel while sitting still or when 
someone turns it to lock and holds it against.
It's almost like that but it comes and goes as
the steering goes from lock to lock.  Seems to
do it more when warm.  It's like the steering is
having to work harder for a moment and then
not and then harder and then not.  It's almost
like there is a rough spot that it rotates past
over and over.  It's been doing this for about
a week, that I've notice anyway.  I haven't
noticed any leaks.  The amount of assist or
effort I have to exert to turn the wheel does
not seem to change.

Any ideas?

Colorado Springs
89 200q
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