Virus Alert

Robert Stirrat Robert_Stirrat at
Wed Mar 7 00:43:21 EST 2001

Please be on the lookout for any email with the subject FW: NAKED WIFE, this
email contains a virus and should not be opened.

Please delete this message and then empty the contents of the deleted items

If your machine becomes infected, this virus will send itself to every
recipient in your address book, and attempts to delete all  *.BMP, .COM,
.DLL, .EXE, .INI and .LOG files in the Windows and Windows\System
directories rendering the system unusable

If you have any problems with this, please contact local IT department.


   Subject: Fw: Naked Wife
   Body: My wife never look like that! ;-) 
   Best Regards,
   (sender's name) 
   Attached: NakedWife.exe 

Robert Stirrat

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