[torsen] More from the dark side...

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Fri Mar 9 15:00:39 EST 2001

Fortunately I'm not in the market segment that can afford th M5 or the M5-ix
should it ever come out. There's no denying that WMB make great cars, but
with any luck, the powers that be at Audi will see this as the gauntlet
being thrown down.

For all the great things that is an M5, or any M-series b**-wiper, my heart
is at home with Audi.

I've always liked the under-dog and winning isn't everything. And, seeing as
there are no 10 year old b**-wipers that turn my crank like the TQs and
S-cars (okay maybe the M5 - a bit) I think I'll wait for the glut of
Hi-Performance Audis that will end up selling cheap if everyone else goes to

I just like to be different.

'Vorsprung durch Technik'

Peter Berrevoets
1990 200TQ
Toronto, Canada

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: quattro-admin at audifans.com
> >[mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> >Behalf Of QSHIPQ at aol.com
> >Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 8:29 AM
> >To: S4audinut at aol.com; quattro at audifans.com; urq at audifans.com;
> >torsen at audifans.com
> >Subject: Re: [torsen] More from the dark side...
> >
> >
> >In a message dated 3/8/01 5:13:10 PM Central Standard Time,
> >S4audinut writes:
> >
> >> In a message dated 03/01/2001 11:41:37 AM Eastern Standard
> >Time, QSHIPQ at aol.
> >> com writes:
> >>
> >>  > A few years ago, I heretically indicated that if WMB
> >ever got back into
> >> the
> >>  >  awd fray, audis life would get complicated.  Well, I
> >just drove a
> >friends
> >>
> >>  >  330xi yesterday, and I'm convinced more than ever,
> >audis life will get
> >>  >  complicated.
> >>  >
> >>  >  0-60 times are rated at 5.8 (1/4mile at 14.4 at 96 stock)
> >>  >  62/38 f/r split
> >>  >
> >>  May have all wheel drive, maybe even the good stuff
> >w/viscous couplings,
> >but
> >> it will never have the Audi I5 20v Turbo, and that in my
> >not so humble
> >opinin
> >> is the best piece Audi (or maybe anyone else) ever produced.
> >>  Rod is back
> >
> >Interesting to note Rod, that the 330ix is really close (in
> >almost perfectly
> >so) to the new S4tt in 1/4 and ET, while retaining a rwd
> >character in an awd
> >application.  I might agree that the I520vt is good/great,
> >but remember WMB's
> >nack for doing silly things: like how far away is the M3ix,
> >the M5ix, or the
> >XM5ix (which is slated for intro this fall)?  I might also
> >point out that the
> >I520vt is a great motor always in search of a great chassis.
> > The 4000lbs it
> >must haul around, the finicky gearbox, the POS dual mass
> >flywheel, the
> >triangulated front swaybar, the marginal chassis stiffness.
> >We can spend a
> >whole bunch of money on the 20vI5t or just go to the dealer
> >and buy the
> >current M5 at 400hp with a warrantee and all the goodies from
> >the get go,
> >including great brakes.  If it then goes quattro without the
> >front end anchor
> >problem and retains the rwd character, lookout audi, the
> >ante is up on this
> >whole fwd chassis design.
> >
> >I'm not here to start a WMB vs audi war, only pointing out
> >that when you have
> >great chassis dynamics *with* awd, audis gig is gonna get
> >tougher.  Here's
> >hoping tougher, means better.
> >
> >This ain't no 325ix appeasement WMB put forth here.  My take
> >on the 330ix:
> >This is what audi shoulda been targetting over all these years.
> >
> >My .02
> >
> >SJ
> >20vtI5 84URQ
> >

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