200Q still dead, now what?

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 11 16:03:05 EST 2001

Earlier, from a state far, far away, Huw mentioned:
> Check the wires themselves?  Doesn't the type 44 have a splice in the
> battery wire under the passenger carpet that can cause problems?

Yup. BTDTDWGB (been there, done that, don't wanna go back).

First, try jumping the car off from the jump off post in the engine
compartment.  If it jumps off (starts) fine from the jump off post, but
doesn't start when you connect the jumper cables directly to the battery,
that's exactly what my TQW did.  Turned out to be the splice.

Go to the following site


Search on the word "splice", and Chris Miller's research will help you
determine the cause.

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw

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