Radiator Opinions (MAC)

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Mar 11 18:39:16 EST 2001

 Lawrence C Leung <l.leung at juno.com> writes:

> Advantages of Brass Radiators - repairable when they start to go. 
Among many others.

> Advantages of Aluminum/Plastic Radiators - less weight
Cheaper initial cost too.
> Does anyone have a comparison of the weight differences?
Not enough to make any difference in our applications.

> Does anyone have an estimated life of brass? Aluminum?
Going on 11 years for the Modine copper/brass in the 1984 5KS, still
looks solid, do the math to see how long the factory one lasted. 

> is pretty reasonable for a radiator to go. 

There was just a thread on this one, main advantage of a brass/copper
radiator is that it doesn't just blow up on you ans strand you.  It gives
you fair warning.  Other major advantage is the damn nipple for the
reservoir is NOT going to snap off on you like with the plastic
radiators.  And they're also a bit cheaper too.
> Finally, any good North East sources for either type?

Go to:   http://discountradiators.com/ , they sell all metal radiators
with free delivery.  Check the archives for previous posts about them.

Cobram at Juno.Com

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