5ktq clutch fork part number, please

Steve Jensen sjensen at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 12 21:57:30 EST 2001

I understand that there is a new-n-improved (stronger) clutch release fork
for the throwout bearing.  Anybody have the part number handy?  I have
almost saved enough pennies for the clutch job on my pearl TQ, and the
clutch is the original so I want to upgrade.  And yes the slave cyl. will be
replaced as well.

Thanks very much in advance.

Wow, I just realized that both of the 44's will be running at the same time.
Do I need a permit or something?

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq (getting closer)
87 5kcstqw (sporting the latest in cabin heating technology, a new heater
core. Dry feet, too)

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