What else do I need for Type 44 strut replacement?

Keith Lawyer wbr90 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 19 14:23:46 EST 2001

The time has come to replace the front struts on my
'89 200.  I saw awhile back where a fellow lister
recommended new upper strut mounts, bump stops, and
dust sleeves.  According to The Parts Connection
there's also an upper retaining bearing in the upper
strut mount?  
  Unfortunately I'm relatively unfamiliar w/these
front ends, my concern is will replacement of the
upper mount or bearing affect my alignment?  Call me
cheap but I'd rather not have it aligned if I can
avoid it.
  I'm tempted to just drop new cartridges in there but
I do want to do it right the first time. . . Finally,
is there a special tool required for the upper nut and
if so where is the best source?

Keith L.

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