87 5kcsq for sale

Jack Gagnon bullitt at cybertours.com
Tue Mar 20 06:40:01 EST 2001


I have a well maintained 87 5kcsq for sale.  I am selling to help pay for my
new 92 S4 Yahoo! I have owned the car for 2 years now and did extensive work
the first year I owned it.  Here is a list of some of the work done:

Front & Rear shocks, upper strut bearings
Rear brakes, e-brake cables
Timing belt, water pump, front main seal
Clutch master & Slave Cyl
clutch, pilot bearing,  throwout bearing, rear main seal
cd player
heater core
turbo after run pump
power steering pump
suspension bushings, front & rear
Rear wheel bearings
rear transverse link
4 snows Hakka-10's

The car is running great!

I am a car junkie and keep my rides running right.  I am asking $3500

Jack Gagnon
Kennebunkport, ME
207-967-9805 eves
207-283-0193 days

bullitt at cybertours.com

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