MC-2 lets loose

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Wed Mar 21 13:11:06 EST 2001

 You joke, but I have seen that really ND, a customer who I had sold a 2.0 bottom end came in complaining of idle trouble and that the motor was burning lots of oil after he installed it...a quick look under the car revealed a lot of oil on the underside of the car.

I put the car on the lift to determine the source, and there I see a golf ball sized hole in the back of the block!  We drop the oil pan, and sure enough, a 13mm deep socket is sitting in the bottom of the pan.  Looks like one of the connecting rods picked it up and wedged it between the crank and the block...unbelievable!

 <<that's great!

 sounds like you finally found that missing socket...

 Huw Powell>>

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