Used Eibachs

J Mawhinney jmawhinney at
Tue Mar 27 20:39:24 EST 2001

The H&R's do so I suppose that the Eibachs do too.  I have H&R's for a '91
2ctq on my '86 5ktq and they work very well.  I think they may be a little
stiffer as the 2c is a heavier car.  They are very responsive and help the
car to handle very well.
Happy Audiing!
Jason Mawhinney
'86 5ktq
'85 4kq 20v

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beer, Jerald" <jbeer at>
To: "Quattro List (E-mail)" <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: FW: Used Eibachs

> Albert
> Ok. Check with the list gurus, like Scott M or Scott J. They will know if
> the 91 200 springs will fit older type 44. These do lower the car about an
> inch. Sorry for WOB by posting to the list, but I keep getting bounces
> I try to reply directly.
> regards,
> Jerry
> 91 200q

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