4K-CSQ Exhaust

Aaron Sherrick amsk at lehigh.edu
Wed May 2 12:01:41 EDT 2001

If you're looking for an exhaust made specifically for the 4kq, I think your
options are limited to the Scorpion and the Stebro.  I have the Stebro on my
car and like it.  Classy looks and a tasteful sound.  Check out my website
for pictures and a sound clip (http://www.lehigh.edu/~amsk).  The Stebro
goes for around $600 direct plus shipping.  Check out Stebro's website for
pictures and pricing (http://infoweb.magi.com/~andypet/).  I had my mechanic
get it for me and he only charged me $550, so he must have gotten better
pricing.  The Scorpion goes for $800 and is available from www.tap1.com or
from www.2bennett.com.  People have complained about TAP's service, so you
may want to go with 2Bennet if you choose the Scorpion.  I *think* the
Scorpion is a 3" diameter versus the Stebro's 2.5".  The Scorpion is
obviously louder, as well.  You also have your choice of tips with the
Scorpion.  Good luck!

'86 4kq

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 9:56 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 4K-CSQ Exhaust

Good Morning Audi fans.

I have come to the point of needing a new muffler
system for my 4kCSQ. I intend to replace it from the
catalytic converter on back.  I would like to install
a stainless steel system (excluding the converter),
but there are so many out there.  I would like
something that would sound nice without sounding
hot-rodish.  I would appreciate any help, particularly
brand(s) names, phone numbers, etc.  Thanks in


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