Looking for advice on new car purchase...

BBBurban at aol.com BBBurban at aol.com
Wed May 2 23:42:29 EDT 2001

The Quattro system adds some weight to an already heavy car... I am biased 
but I own an 1990 Audi Quattro with a five cylinder with 20 valve head.  The 
extra gain in horses is significant over the 10 valve head.  As far as I know 
there are no cheap significant horsepower gains to be had cheap and easy in 
the affordable Audi's I have seen.  The best way to get bang for buck in 
these cars is suspension upgrades.  You wont accelerate like a supercharged 
mustang but you will out handle them.  Turning fast is what these cars do 
best rain or shine.  Beat em in the turns.  Hope this helps you...

Hank 90q20v

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